1、He believed to the extent of his powers.

2、Do you love me? Has been to the extent of the danger. To what extent? Can't live alone.

3、The scope of cancellation right is limited to the extent of the obligee's right to performance.

4、An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.

5、Because I disdain to in such, also not to the extent of deprave this farm land.

6、inquire into the extent of the corruption.

7、 He's in debt to the extent of200.

8、They can conveniently be filled with glass fibre to the extent of 40%.

9、And the exercise of subrogation revenue to the taxpayer to the extent of unpaid taxes, not including taxes.

10、It was one of the orders I ignored, at least to the extent of making sure a good record exsited.

11、The Parties shall share the risks and losses of the Company only to the extent of its commitment to contribute to the registered capital of the Company.