1、put under private control or ownership.

2、The FCC should be put under strict supervision.

3、Otherwise, they will be put under special administration.

4、If the first message is put under a transaction, then all of the other messages must be put under a transaction if they use the same queue handle.

5、In my opinion, the number of private cars should be put under control.

6、But now we see not yet all things put under him.

7、It’s human nature to try to survive when put under pressure.

8、If the answer was "yes", politicians might have been put under more pressure to hammer out the details.

9、Of course fragile caverns will fracture as the N American continent is put under stress, pulled at a diagonal.

10、Pubs shouldn't be put under pressure to stop using glasses if they are safe places to drink.

11、Those abducting minors under 14 years of age from their family or guardians are to be sentenced to five years or less in prison or put under criminal detention