1、Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.

2、The red Border Collie, like the chestnut horse, is the result of a recessive gene pair.

3、The subspecies Acinonyx jubatus guttatus may also have been a variation due to a recessive gene.

4、An example of negative eugenics would be the attempt to eradicate a harmful recessive gene.

5、Genetic study indicated that the mutated green-revertible albino leaf color trait specially expressed at seedling stage was controlled by a single recessive gene.

6、W025 is a new rice strain developed from chemical inducement and cross breeding. It has a giant embryo that is controlled by a single recessive gene.

7、two additional recessive genes

8、The reports said blond hair was caused by a recessive gene, so both sides of the family have to have it to extend the shade into the next generation.

9、Sickle cell anemia is inherited by recessive genes.

10、In normal seedlings the deleterious recessive genes are not expressed.

11、Most plants carry a large "genetic load" for deleterious recessive genes of which a few are homozygous and depress growth.

12、The shortcoming of9365 is the high plant, late maturation and the resistance to stripe rust controlled by recessive genes.

13、The high value of grain protein content, test weight, wet gluten content, dry gluten content and sedimentation value were related to dominant genes, and the low value was related to recessive genes.