1、Assuming that is possible, of course.

2、Assuming that you always know the entire story.

3、Assuming that men are better at investing than women.

4、Assuming that the Czechs have by then ratified the treaty, that would be dangerous and pointless.

5、Assuming that the recovery continues, that would be enough to get the deficit back to a prudent level.

6、Assuming that there is no such person, you have a serious problem.

7、Assuming that someone with no experience could exist, then we could say that they had no knowledge.

8、Assuming that if the company can bring in more money by emitting arbitrarily, they'll do that consecutively, regardless of fine.

9、Assuming that SCA and MDB applications were already deployed and started, ensure that the ica crawler and indexer for a particular document collection are running.

10、Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt and that her system conforms to school rules, you can't fault her ethics.

11、Assuming that you will continue to manage the portfolio from now to eternity, what is the present value of the management contract?

12、Assuming that you want top performance, then the only cure for OSR is to recognize where it can occur and restructure your code to avoid it if possible.

13、Assuming that your zombies don't know that they're almost at the end of the movie, the only dent you'll make is carving a chest-hole into the first zombie to bite your face off.

14、Assuming that you already have an Amazon S3 account, which provides an access key and a secret access key, you can mount any bucket you own with a command like this.