1、A half hour a day? An hour?

2、A half hour passed.

3、About a half hour ago.

4、So can working through lunch or getting up a half hour earlier (or staying up a half hour later).

5、And then after another half hour I trained another half hour, and all together I'd trained (for) two and a half hours.

6、Stagecoach pass about half hour ago.

7、It's just a half hour a day.

8、Buses to Oxford run every half hour.

9、Give yourself a half hour before bed.

10、Do you have to see them for a half hour?

11、I will go if it means waiting another half hour.

12、Seattle is only a two and a half hour drive south and San Francisco is a two-hour flight away.

13、Hospitalization rates decreased by 21% per hour of travel by foot and 28% per half hour of travel by vehicle.

14、The plane has flying for two and a half hours, another half an hour, we can to the destination.

15、They are bound to make a daily meditation of at least half an hour in the morning, sometimes of another half hour in the evening, and an annual retreat of eight days.

16、Just for today I will have a quiet half hour all by myself and relax. During this half hour, sometime, I will try to get a better perspective of my life.

17、Then they removed the cancer. The operation took only a half hour.

18、On a good day, Flickr would release a new version every half hour!

19、Except for a half hour at lunchtime, there were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.

20、Luque scored the game's opening goal from the penalty spot, before being replaced on the half hour mark, but Allardyce has been reassured the injury is not serious.