1、Shout only as a last resort.

2、We shall use force only as a last resort.

3、will use force only as a last resort;

4、The police have not deprived the citizen life the right, opens fire only can be as a last resort when can use last resort.

5、She came to me as a last resort, having been single for a decade.

6、N. charter which can be used to authorize sanctions against Iran, as well as military force as a last resort.

7、Strike action should be regarded as a last resort , when all attempts to negotiate have failed.

8、Creating an external UDF should be used as a last resort.

9、In my opinion, transplanting coral should only be used as a last resort.

10、Frontal sinus obliteration is often employed as a last resort, but this procedure has potential long-term complications.

11、Sister, I just did that as a last resort, without offending you, don't think I'm taking advantage of you.

12、It is used as a last resort to help morbidly obese teenagers to bring down their weight.

13、SQL statements should be used only as a last resort, if no other method of querying the database will work.

14、I reach out my hands; grasp air - as a last resort hurdle the last few feet of the ditch onto shifting sand - catch my balance - made it!

15、Bishop also reported that, "Microsoft says it filed the case as a last resort, after trying for more than a year to reach an agreement with TomTom."

16、But Chancellor Merkel insisted on tough conditions, Greece would only get help as a last resort if it can no longer borrow from financial market.

17、Instead of giving the impression that you took up chemistry as a last resort, I have tried to soften this message.

18、CLIENT: I have a small amount of capital in reserve…and I can always use my home to raise money as a last resort… But I'm not much of a risk-taker.

19、As the capital, Beijing also serves as a last resort for petitioners from all over the country who are unable to resolve their problems at the local level, often because of official corruption.

20、But if the real reason is to delay the job search or as a last resort after failing to secure a job, then it is not going to be a worthwhile exercise.

21、Although military response to a cyberattack is one of the options listed in the International Strategy for Cyberspace, it will be considered only as a last resort, officials said.

22、If there's no way to avoid the cymbal hitting the tom mic stand or mic, as a last resort you now have to ask something drummers usually don't like to hear:“ Please move the cymbals up a taste.

23、To complicate matters, there are bandits lurking around -- those pitiful fellow countrymen who, unable to ward off starvation by farming or soldiering or whatnot, have been reduced to the disreputable business as a last resort.

24、I knew that if I didn't come back with some money. Mama. and I would have nothing to eat that night Mama would never send me except as a last resort.