1、Please give me a hand.

2、Could you give me a hand, please?

3、Could you give me a hand?

4、Excuse me, would you give me a hand?

5、A: Honey, Could you please give me a hand?

6、I wish you to give me a hand.

7、Do you think you could give me a hand

8、Sorry. Could you give me a hand with this bag?

9、Will you please do me a favour [give me a hand]?

10、Could you give me a hand and pass me the scissors?

11、This box is too heavy for me to move. Please give me a hand.

12、This suitcase should go on the rack. Could you give me a hand?

13、I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand.

14、I would have liked him to give me a hand, but found it embarrassing to ask.

15、I asked her to give me a hand but she' s being a bit bolshy about it.

16、I don't have much ink in my stomach. It's difficult to write. I hope you can give me a hand.

17、If I can't walk, give me a hand, just like I used to hold you when you made the first step of your life.

18、If you give me a hand clearing the rubbish from my garden I'll help you to paint your house– you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

19、Well, well, cap 'n, 'returned the sea-cook, sitting down as he was bidden on the sand,' you'll have to give me a hand up again, that's all.