1、All pieces, classical or pop, one way or the other, end on the tonic.

2、We could meet today or tomorrow—I don't mind one way or the other.

3、Temperament loads the evidence for him one way or the other.

4、We've got to make our decision one way or the other.

5、Her personal appearance did not affect him one way or the other.

6、You know pretty well everyone here, one way or the other.

7、I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.

8、The swings or reversals in a market are the prices to place STOP LOSS orders one way or the other.

9、On full lock, ie with the steering-wheel turned as far as it will go one way or the other

10、It was the accumulation of these small choices that seemed to gradually tip their lives one way or the other.

11、They needed to be aroused one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad ones.

12、I don't care about him any more; I don't feel anything at all about him, one way or the other.

13、Most of us have a little of both in us, but lean one way or the other.

14、Then whatever else was in the drip wore off, and I didn’t feel much about the garden one way or the other.

15、If it breaks the rules, it will feed suspicions in China that, one way or the other, its rise will be denied.

16、If the answer turns out to be no, it's going to take some sustained argument to settle it one way or the other.

17、Fifteen years ago, when Ruth and Nim were married, Ruth made clear she didn 't care one way or the other about Jewish observances.

18、It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.

19、There are shy extraverts and outgoing introverts. Most of us have a little of both in us, but lean one way or the other.

20、If you want to think like him - and we're not convinced one way or the other as to whether you should - here's how you might get started.

21、If you add in those leaning one way or the other, it turns out that 47% will probably or definitely vote for Obama and 51% probably or definitely won't.

22、They balance in the middle but are always prepared to move one way or the other depending on what's going on in their dog training at a given moment or point in time.

23、Yet, although most people's voices don't seem to strike a chord one way or the other, research has shown that a person's voice can influence whether others find him alluring or unattractive.

24、The investigator went on to bluff that there was a video camera in the room, though the recording, with its definitive proof one way or the other, would not be accessible until later.

25、But one way or the other, we will try to achieve a good result and in addition to improve our technical package step by step for the next races.

26、Vitamin C did not appear to have any effect one way or the other, and the team said more work was needed into this supplement - as well as into selenium.

27、Even after enormous upheavals and seemingly irrevocable changes, the same pattern has always reasserted itself, just as a gyroscope will always return to equilibrium, however far it is pushed one way or the other.