1、Smog hung over the city.

2、It hung over Susan's crib.

3、The danger of war hung over Europe.

4、It just hung over the cliff.

5、 The lamp hung over the table.

6、Silence hung over it, and drowsy death.

7、The threat of bankruptcy hung over the company.

8、Part of the tail hung over the wall.

9、Pale white smoke hung over the haze, and the damp air hung like a bead curtain in the dark.

10、ONLY a few months ago a deep gloom hung over the western Balkans.

11、A violent lighting storm with pouring rain hung over the mountain.

12、His head has been hung over with thick bandage except two eyes.

13、Death, and the notion of aging, has always hung over me like a heavy cloud.

14、In the distance, fog hung over the countryside, and the hills were dimly painted in dark green.

15、THE black smoke that had hung over Bangkok's jagged skyline for six days grew thicker and more noxious.

16、Countless rivers hang from the cliff eaves to the river surface, hung over the canyon, forming a waterfall corridor.

17、But as he looked the structure of the bridge was still spidery and fine in the mist that hung over the stream.

18、The moon hung over this space, and it was as if the planet and its satellite were acting as mirror images of each other.

19、The question that has hung over the industry for months, whether still more capital will be needed, has not gone away.

20、The secundine is expected to be hung over a lacquer tree as the lacquer tree has lacquer milk, an omen that the calf or the pony would have adequate milk.

21、With nowhere to receive clients as her own room was so ramshackle-the mat from the bed still hung over the broken wall-Joy had no alternative but to go to the "Transport Company", to register her name.

22、Dark Clouds hung overhead, and a heavy snow fell.