1、Nutrients in Whole Foods that Protect Against cancer.

2、The main color used in Whole Foods corporate branding, as well as their website, is green.

3、As a purveyor of "natural and organic produce", everything about Whole Foods shouts green.

4、This appears to have negatively impacted (Whole Foods), which is a higher price perceived retailer.

5、Whole Foods positions itself as a morally superior alter-native for healthy, environmentally friendly, and socially conscious shopping.

6、This meticulous stocking helps it sell $1, 750 per square foot--twice as much as Whole Foods.

7、This was during the 70s, way before "lactose-intolerant-this," "nondairy that," let alone "hormone-free milk" and Whole Foods.

8、And, while Whole Foods does run promotions and sales, its overall pitch is more about value than price.

9、As a precaution, Whole Foods Market has temporarily removed ALL fresh spinach and fresh salad mixes containing spinach from its stores.

10、Whole Foods使用的公司品牌颜*以及他们的网站,主要是绿*的。

11、Wal-Mart, Costco, and specialty retailers like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are expanding and taking market share from Albert-sons, Safeway, and Kroger.

12、In June 2007 America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) applied to the courts to stop the tie-up between Whole Foods and Wild Oats, two upmarket food retailers.

13、The power and ambition of the giants of the digital economy are astonishing—Amazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.

14、It was hard to imagine how much added weight the train had taken on since we left Dar es Salaam, or whether each of the cabins had begun, like ours, to resemble the produce section of Whole Foods.

15、Of the five retail-store chains J.P. Morgan studied (Walmart, Kroger, Safeway, Whole Foods and Harris Teeter, a 192-store chain in the Southeast), Walmart still had the lowest prices.

16、John Mackey, Whole Foods Market: Only a fantastically wealthy person can say that he or she "no longer want [s] to work for money," as Mackey stated in early 2007.

17、One test user was reading the corporate blog for Whole Foods (a big chain of grocery stores) and became interested in a Posting about the recent health scare involving peanut butter.

18、Whole Foods Market also lured more mainstream customers by redefining what a grocery store should look like, creating lush displays of produce and fish that have influenced more traditional grocers.

19、说到意识方面,其中一家公司的到的高分非常引人注目:美国全食超市公司(Whole Foods Market),它经营着270多家商店,其中大部分在美国。

20、2007年,Whole Foods市场在康涅狄格州的一家超市里安装了200千瓦**电池,该州的补贴为燃料电池系统成本的25%到40%。

21、Whole Foods Market has revolutionised the way fresh produce is sold in America, partly by stealing some merchandising tactics from the clothing industry, such as the use of stage lighting and arranging fresh fruit and vegetables into complementary blocks of colour.