1、a twisty mountain road

2、a twisty path, river, track, etc

3、You can find the twisty image at.

4、The twisty image, though, is not theme dependent.

5、The pipes are narrow and twisty, and there are leaks in every joint.

6、Our test route took us through a choppy construction zone and over some twisty back roads.

7、One image ACTS as background, and one image ACTS as a twisty.

8、Made up of twisty and high-speed sections, the run is the longest of the WRC season so far.

9、To have more control over which VMs get migrated, click the Virtual machines twisty to expand the list of VMs.

10、Walking can be a dangerous form of exercise, with oversize log and coal trucks barrelling down the twisty mountain roads.

11、Ferrari, for example, says the fires only happen under 'extreme' conditions, like 'driving very fast down a twisty road or up a mountain.

12、The twisty dream within a dream story isn't based on a comic book or an older movie, Hollywood's current preferred building blocks for blockbusters.

13、This solution is likely to be alternated with the original flat fin over the course of the season, depending on how tight and twisty the circuit.

14、The company sought advice from community ambassadors and then used experts to train locals to map the best routes through the twisty thoroughfares and alleyways.

15、一个图像充当背景,另一个图像充当折叠图像(twisty image)。

16、The narrative of Subjugation of Demons is excellent while the plot is twisty and weird, so this literature has definite influence over the creation of later dramas and fictions.

17、From Youku's dedicated Inception page, paying users can watch the famously twisty plotted film anywhere on any Internet-enabled device and share comments and film recommendations with other users.

18、Those with mixed inclinations seek books capable of addressing several impulses at once: a literary novel with a twisty-turny plot, say, or a history of something like an oyster.

19、Crimes concerning the evil cult refers to act or behavior made by people with twisty belief, the crimes are brought by the evil cult's extreme, hostile and destructive nature.