1、multiflow evaluator

2、test pattern evaluator

3、data adaptive evaluator and monitor

4、You must be a sharp evaluator of information.

5、Otherwise, run the evaluator on each element of the list.

6、Specifies the capability evaluated by the comparison evaluator.

7、This property is required for both comparison and evaluator filters.

8、He is the policy-maker, executive as well as the consultant and evaluator.

9、The test shows that the cocoon evaluator can meet the demand of fast and accurate evaluation.

10、A lot of the Visual Studio functionality requires an expression evaluator.

11、A good evaluator must have an excellent grasp of the Suggestion program.

12、On earth, brand was a conception that focused on consumers, and consumers were final possessor and evaluator of brands.

13、A professional designation. A property evaluator who has achieved the requirements of the International Association of Assessing Officers.

14、When introduced to conduct the evaluation phase of the meeting, go to the lectern and introduce each evaluator. After each recitation, thank the evaluator for his or her efforts.

15、Aim to study the implementing techniques of the general attributed grammar evaluator based on the bottom-up policy.

16、Humans are not limited to the role of evaluator, but can choose to perform a more diverse set of functions.

17、It is important to note that each evaluator should provide individual severity ratings independently of the other evaluators.

18、Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, can I count on this man?

19、The second pass then allows the evaluator to focus on specific interface elements while knowing how they fit into the larger whole.

20、One more thing– don't forget how valuable it is to go up to speakers after a meeting and give personal feedback– whether or not you were an evaluator.

21、ETS sends an E-mail to each evaluator inviting them to access the ETS PPI system to complete the student's evaluation.

22、The Computerized Voice stress Analyzer (CVSA), a later version of the psychological stress evaluator (PSE), measures vocal micro-tremors which tend to be associated with experienced stress.

23、The evaluator should give their evaluation from separate notes (not from the manual) in 2 minutes. It should be a speech, not answers to the questions in the manual.

24、In there, I want to make this distinction, this nuance: the evaluator is still going to be taking those expressions and using its rules to get a value, but it's not going to print them back out.

25、For example, in Listing 18, we rewrote our concat evaluator to look for :concat nodes (function 1) that have all strings (function 2) and then evaluate the concat (function 3).