1、The hare hid itself.

2、Take the hare for instance.

3、Rabbit gave hare the ring. Hare tried it on.

4、He heard the hare snoring.

5、I'm racing with a hare.

6、Laughed the hare. "oh, oh, how funny!"

7、What distinguishes the hare from the rabbit?

8、He wants to catch a hare.

9、The hare darted off like an arrow.

10、A hare lives in the wild.

11、A hare comes up. The monkey sees the hare. Then he runs after it.

12、As sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion.

13、The hare in its extremity cries like a child.

14、Who runs fast, the hare or the tortoise?

15、The hare here hired the heir to air the hair.

16、Ecologists studying hare populations have found that the North American snowshoe hare follows a roughly ten-year cycle.

17、No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent.

18、Thee lovely white hare follows next. It is loved greatly by people in both cultures. The person who belongs to hare is always very smart.

19、Anyway, the snowshoe hare has an adaptation that plays on the same idea.

20、The hare actually has abundant food in the small twigs it finds.

21、Krebs investigated experimental plots in Canada's Yukon territory that contained hare populations.

22、Seven specks of dust stirred up by a hare, each of which was the length of.

23、Hold (or Run) with the hare and run (or hunt) with the hounds

24、Theory and practice hare proved that clean production is an important means to build environment-friendly society.

25、If the monitoring station has good representative, it will hare to follow the principle of the random sampling.

26、Once the hare population has declined, it takes two to three years for the quantity of twigs to recover.

27、Lower birth rates, low juvenile survivorship, and low growth rates follow, so there is a corresponding decline in hare abundance.

28、The Centcom command tried to stop their hare-brained military mission, but Mr Wolfowitz gave them the green light.

29、The hare does a pretty good job with its timing, but sometimes when there's a really early or late snow, it stands out.