1、dusty jade green

2、dusty rose colour cloth

3、Your car sure is dusty.

4、London was hot and dusty.

5、the dusty yellow orbs of street lamps

6、I suppose you had it pretty dusty.

7、Leave the dusty road to others.

8、Dark and dusty painted on the sky

9、In the summer the town becomes dusty.

10、She is sprinkling water on the dusty path.

11、Strings of dusty niggers with splay feet arrived and departed.

12、Roads were dusty tracks scarely discernible from the adjacent desert.

13、Earth's deserts, for example, have analogues on dry, dusty Mars.

14、He pulled out this dusty old rock tumbler.


16、Tom and Haley rattled on along the dusty road, whirling past every old familiar spot.

17、He opened his dusty black bag and pulled out a laptop.

18、Put off thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil!

19、Spitzer's infrared vision revealed the size of the dusty disk that swirls around the companion object.

20、Hawaii is one of the least dusty places in the world.

21、A local carpenter had made the box to her design, out of walnut, with dusty seals and padded interior sections.

22、He had a stodgy, dusty, commonplace look to him which was more a matter of mind than of body.

23、This was the Nixi valley, where in dark, dusty rooms, each household still makes ornate black pottery.

24、It consists of a dusty, doughnut-shaped cloud of gas and dust that feeds a central supermassive black hole.

25、Like my old TRS-80, which sits lifeless in a dusty box, computing history can easily slip away.

26、When spring's light comes, the melatonin diminishes, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty, virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months.

27、Along with the bell end of the year gone, we feel an upsurge of agitation, dusty smile, warm blessings reverberating on campus, ushered in a new semester.

28、Their dusty compound at the edge of town is filled with secondhand models from Japan, including saloons, off-roaders and a bright red fire engine.

29、All that remained were the dusty almond trees, the reverberating streets, the houses of wood and roofs of rusting tin with their taciturn inhabitants, devastated by memories.
