1、This results in the forward motion of the aperture.

2、That leads to continuous forward motion that drives your success.

3、It will also be a platform and network to facilitate forward motion and action.

4、The forward motion is encouraging, and before long, you'll probably find yourself speeding toward completion.

5、This keeps you really low and helps you maintain balance and forward motion during the breath.

6、A hinged or pivoted device adapted to fit into a notch of a ratchet wheel to impart forward motion or prevent backward motion.

7、A rowing or paddling stroke in which the oar or paddle is pushed forward, used to check a boat's forward motion or move it backward.

8、So you should also be able to get the rotational kinetic energy out and convert that again into forward motion.

9、Contemporary applications are often reluctant to take any forward motion without a person directing them in advance.

10、Levels, a game mechanic from the earliest of video games, are the perfect solution for creating a constant sense of forward motion and the opportunity for reflection.

11、This takes him out of horizontal balance, and creates a slight "hitch" or break in his forward motion, as you can see in the video.

12、If you are working on getting a degree at a university, efforts to get ahead, either as student or instructor, will also be aided by Neptune's forward motion.

13、And then I will show you that that can be converted back into forward motion in this case, it's very easy because the flywheel itself is the wheel.

14、As a result, energy from the suspension is not dissipated, but translated into a forward motion, hence the name "energy Transfer System".

15、Away from any boundaries, the cells swim in a straight line, but near a surface, opposing forces of flow and bacterial forward motion cause the bacteria to continuously swim to one side— to the left.

16、Pluto, the planet of our shadow sides, has been going backwards since April 2010 and since it is such a slow moving planet, it is going to take two days for it to reverse to forward motion.

17、a mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun; a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round.

18、When we decide to drive to the office, we must open the garage door, get in the car, start the motor, back out, and close the garage door before we even begin the forward motion that will take us to our destination.