1、The uncertainty with Mr Obama lies with the payroll tax.

2、Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax.

3、Responsible for the accurate and timely processing of accounts payable/receivable, payroll, insurance reports, and sales tax/payroll tax reporting.

4、A staff member proposes raising the payroll tax paid by firms and using part of the extra revenue to reduce the payroll tax paid by workers.

5、Unemployment benefits were extended; there was a temporary cut in the payroll tax; and there were tax breaks for investment.

6、This chapter provides an overview of payroll tax tables and discusses how to.

7、Stimulus should be continued and indeed expanded by providing the payroll tax cut to employers as well as employees.

8、About that math: Legally, Social Security has its own, dedicated funding, via the payroll tax (" FICA "on your pay statement).

9、An easy way to do that would be by cutting the employer contribution to the payroll tax.

10、I'd also impose a carbon tax and balance that with a cut in payroll taxes and corporate taxes.

11、About $400m of the payroll tax will underwrite bonds, which will be used to borrow some $6.5 billion.

12、On the revenue side, the government should extend some of the targeted tax measures including the payroll tax cut for employees and the capital investment expense deduction.

13、The payroll tax cut will mean $1, 000 more this year for a typical family – 155 million workers will see larger paychecks because of that tax cut.

14、An industrial policy features a cut in payroll taxes but only for a few industries, which will pay a (smaller) tax on turnover instead.

15、Economists expect that spending and savings will be boosted further in 2011, if the job market continues to slowly improve and with a cut in payroll tax.

16、He would also cut the employer's share of the payroll tax, with larger cuts for those who boost net payrolls or raise wages.

17、Employers would receive a credit worth twice the first-year payroll tax for each new hire, amounting to several thousand dollars, depending on the new worker’s salary.

18、Cutting payroll taxes for four chosen industries, he added, was just the start of a necessary updating of Brazil's labyrinthine tax system.

19、liability for payroll taxes

20、Polls find that, among all voters, the single most popular fix is to raise the cap on earnings subject to the payroll tax-no doubt because this would be borne by a minority of affluent working people.

21、Mr Obama has also mulled offering employers a cut in their share of the payroll tax when they hire new workers (the existing cut applies only to the employee's contribution).

22、summary of factory payroll taxes

23、-- What are your expenses, including payroll, payroll taxes, merchandise and benefit plans for yourself and employees (such as health insurance, retirement)?

24、Families with health insurance will pay no income or payroll taxes on$15,000 of their income.

25、Proper handling of payroll taxes demands attention to detail and adherence to policy.

26、Last year's VAT increase may have disheartened consumers but it allowed a cut in payroll taxes.

27、Single Americans with health insurance will pay no income or payroll taxes on$7,500 of their income.

28、Businesses also need to provide workers' compensation insurance and comply with all laws requiring withholding and payment of payroll taxes.

29、Most employers must make at least three entries to record pay- roll cash disbursements: net pay to employees, payroll taxes to the government and payroll deductions, and employee fringe benefits.

30、European countries reap a bigger share of revenue from payroll taxes and other social contributions, as well as from indirect taxes on spending.