1、dimensionless surface reaction rate

2、dimensionless setting velocity

3、dimensionless Horner match

4、which is dimensionless, we call that strain.

5、The numerical procedure has been derived in dimensionless form.

6、D index is also called formation drillability index (dimensionless).

7、Making the calculation of generalized reflection-transmission coefficients dimensionless

8、With the similarity theory and dimensionless analysis method, the relation and corresponding dimensionless relation of the distance between the point of primary breakup and the axis are given.

9、The dimensionless average formation pseudo pressure is directly proportional to the dimensionless producing time if the influence of wellbore storage coefficient and skin factor is neglected.

10、ResultsIn case of various axial loads and mass ratios, various curves between dimensionless fluid flow velocity and dimensionless complex frequency are plotted.

11、The influences of dimensionless permeability modulus and skin factor on pressure response are discussed.

12、And so this dimensionless number is very transparent, and we will show you some examples.

13、The study shows that dimensionless wave forces are not influenced by radius.

14、The physical process observed in within a duration less than 0.07 dimensionless time.

15、This is a dimensionless number because it's length divided by length.

16、However, the calibration of the dimensionless stress intensity factor, which is an important mechanical parameter, is still in question.

17、It is not satisfactory from a dimensional standpoint, since the power to which we raise e must be dimensionless.

18、Firstly, the dimensionless governing equations in terms of displacement of solid skeleton are derived; and the boundary conditions are homogenized.

19、The point of this convoluted procedure is that this combination of multiplication and division produces a pure, dimensionless number.

20、This paper describes the first part of a research project, "Establishing a model of dimensionless variables and its analysis".

21、The model parameters are estimated by the optimal method of nonlinear programming, and the equivalent mixing coefficient is regressed in a dimensionless equation.

22、For a single mode light, two dimensionless quadrature operators are defined which are proportional to the usual position and momentum operators respectively.

23、The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of epichlorohydrin is studied with the method of dimensionless parameter for the first order reactions In this paper.

24、The dimensionless velocity-profile formula fits not only the depth average velocity profile but also velocity profile of each layer along depth.

25、Suppose you will find for this... for this dimensionless number, 0175 suppose you find minus 0.0175, which is the solution for n one... na So you'll see that.

26、And I think people would start looking to see, well, maybe other dimensionless ratios like the ratio of the mass of the electron to the mass of the proton are changing.