1、Bottled salad dressing or homemade?

2、This salad dressing has a sharp taste.

3、Vinegar is used in salad dressing.

4、Further put on some beef salad dressing and seasonings.

5、Mix cheese, salad dressing and mayonnaise and set aside.

6、Yes. Which kind of salad dressing would you prefer?

7、You don't want to pick the wrong mutual fund, or even the wrong salad dressing.

8、Put the beef, the lettuce and some salad dressing into the bread.

9、Depending on what salad dressing you use, it could be very healthy or not so healthy.

10、Sprinkle a handful over the top and then toss with your favorite salad dressing.

11、Sure, you can opt for the salad - but the calories you get from the salad dressing can pretty much negate any vitamins you get from the vegetables.

12、Anyway, ranch dressing is a white salad dressing. It's creamy, it's a little bit sour, it has garlic in it, and onion, and butter milk.

13、Request your salad dressing on the side so that you can carefully pour just a small amount.

14、Many canned tomato sauces are high in added sugar, and other condiments like ketchup and salad dressing often contain HFCS.

15、One less burger and fries, fewer cookies, low-fat salad dressing, and you're just about there for the week.

16、An easy way to do this is to mix the proteins with salad fixings and incorporate the flaxseed (which can be substituted for olive oil) into a healthy unprocessed salad dressing.

17、I'd like to have a well done stake, a medium well stake, and a medium rare stake, one salad with ranch/thousand island salad dressing, and five cups of ice water.

18、"We've sold cotton, we've sold cookies, crackers, fruit juice, mayonnaise, mustard, salad dressing-a lot of processed foods," says Mr Sparks.

19、When eating away from home, watch out for "hidden" fats (such as that in salad dressing and desserts) and larger portion sizes.

20、In his local supermarket, he is confronted by 275 different breakfast cereals, 175 varieties of salad dressing and 360 types of shampoo, conditioner and mousse.

21、It's claimed that plum seed oil can be used in salad dressing, but, on trying it, the idea seems slightly bizarre.

22、Fresh and tender imported spinach with juicy Saint fruit, fragrant roast pine nuts, marinated chicken breast and homemade Caesar salad dressing.

23、Often simply because in buying the low-carb salad dressing, you give yourself a mental checkmark in the "healthy eating" column and proceed to violate the truly important issues.

24、Mini salads made up in small cups or containers, filled with lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, grated carrot, a few raisins, and a separate container for your child's favorite salad dressing.

25、The second half of Paul and Me chronicles their creation of Newman's Own — a mom-and-pop operation that started with salad dressing and grew into big business, raising $300 million for charity.

26、That area is salad dressings.

27、Replace mayonnaise and salad dressings with yogurt

28、Lemon and lime juice are delicious in homemade salad dressings.