1、The manager needs time to mull over our proposals.

2、But who has time to mull over things of this nature?

3、I have flare-ups and that works fine for me… Other people tend to mull over things.

4、Before they talk or respond, they first silently "mull over" or think about what they have heard or experienced.

5、You are entering a pivotal month, where decisions you mull over now will stay with you for a long time.

6、However, I've ceased to 9 mull over the origins of the tradition, and I am wondering how I can get off the stool and stagger outside.

7、Sit at home and mull over what mobile phone you should buy, waiting for the answer would pop in at some point.

8、So the leftist opposition has been invited to talks to mull over an energy package that also includes measures to cut carbon emissions and boost renewable energy.

9、Those with poorer working memory, the 10-15% of people who could only remember about two things, were more likely to mull over things and brood too much.

10、The Cao family went to bed early, he would be through with his work soon after nine. Sitting alone in his room or in the courtyard, he would mull over these two problems of his.