1、He died distressingly by the sword.

2、Some popular prejudices around Europe seem to have become distressingly illiberal and even racist.

3、Even when poor people have access, the quality of services is distressingly low.

4、Traffic lock-ups remain a distressingly common occurrence in China, even as the causes have changed.

5、Worst of all, unemployment is distressingly high, especially in the east and south-east and among women and the young.

6、A distressingly large number of today’s young have found nothing to strive for beyond a day-to-day pursuit of comfort and pleasure.

7、And American law schools are slowly trying to instil some business acumen into future lawyers, though in Europe and elsewhere law remains distressingly academic.

8、She writes that this technology could be abused by police, lawyers or advertisers. This is all distressingly close to the plot of the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Total Recall."

9、The process is distressingly hit-or-miss, though, and the odds of a successful pregnancy go up with the number of embryos used.

10、But there are also gains in productivity and sometimes even in welfare, by reducing losses from diseases and predators that in traditional systems can be distressingly high.

11、Only Mulligan, so charming as the precocious teen in An Education, is distressingly wan and weak as the token saint; we'll wait for further films to see which film was the correct clue to her talents.

12、As might be expected under such circumstances, the literature on this deliberately mysterious country tends to be polarized and politicized, with the ratio of opinion to fact often distressingly high.