1、All for one,one for all.

2、All for one, one for all.

3、"all for one, one for all."

4、Immerse for one minute.

5、 One man can die for ten, ten for one hundred, one hundred for one thousand, one thousand for one thousand, one thousand for one thousand, and one thousand for one thousand to conquer the world.

6、All for one, one for all. --Alexander Dumas Peer

7、"All for one, one for all. -- Dumas pére"

8、LL: Except for one thing.

9、The quality for one cup is one tea spoon.

10、Corporate directorship service for one year.

11、a bus pass valid for one week, for ten journeys

12、Mr Henderson, for one, seems to be preparing for bankruptcy.

13、Three yuan for one sprout, five for a pair.

14、That scar stands for one rule, one rule similar to one gambling that you have to choose.

15、One day, they bicker for one small thing, and no one who is reasonable, and like two strangers.

16、It is not necessarily impossible for one to lose what one gains if one is able to argue with others.

17、Been responsible for one-fourth to one-half of the growth in our nation's economy.

18、Only one CE cash coupon can be used for one CE program.

19、It is because one treatment may be effective for one person but not to others.

20、Worse still, the assumption is that you're building software for one customer or one organization.