1、Buckley's Internalization Theory thinks that modern multinational corporation is the result of the market Internalization.

2、The asking price for William F. Buckley's Park Avenue duplex was just cut by more than half to $12 million.

3、Dr. Buckley's patients -- dairy farmers, loggers, employees at the Cabot cheese factory -- seek treatment for hypertension, emphysema and heart disease, as well as emotional and family problems.

4、Dr Buckley's data, however, suggest another possibility-that Angkor's canals and reservoirs ran dry and that the invasions were therefore a consequence of decline, rather than its cause.

5、Dr. Buckley's apprentice, Johanna Mailloux, 19, said, "I have friends who were pre-med, but because of one course that was too hard, they changed their minds."