1、Being disheartened and displeased

2、Her conduct displeased her family.

3、Have I by any means displeased you?

4、Are you displeased with my work?

5、I know the things whereat you are displeased.

6、Many voters are displeased with the government's policies.

7、There was no being displeased with such an encourager.

8、apparently he was not displeased with my answer.

9、Businessmen are displeased with erratic economic policy making.

10、And I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction.

11、She was not displeased at the effect she was having on the young man.

12、Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Prometheus' favor towards men.

13、If you do bad work, your teacher will be displeased with you

14、The loser often gets flung into the street by his displeased owner.

15、Zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the Titan's favour towards men.

16、IF REPUBLICANS are displeased with their image as the party of "No", few of them have done much about it.

17、Later, when Big Brother's engagement to a girl of the Li family was announced, Mrs. Chien was displeased too.

18、Yi snow is displeased, the vigilance in nowadays how scale up low, so effortless won the other people's set.

19、Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.

20、"It appears the dear child has obtained possession of a bottle containing some drug, which he every now and then uses against those who have displeased him.

21、There has been that freedom, not to say audacity, in Arthur's latter talk and ways which had shocked and displeased Laura.

22、Now, this displeased Guy, who said, 'Out of such a lot of Pudding as you have got, I must say you might have spared a somewhat larger quantity!'

23、Zeus, sitting on his throne, saw with alarm how strong man was becoming. One day he discovered the theft of his shining red flower, and knew tat Promethwus was the thief. He was greatly displeased with this act.

24、In telling the tale of Kratos' rise before a spectacular fall at the beginning of god of war II, many will tremble at the feet of this warrior-god and many a god will be displeased.

25、As a young man, he displeased them greatly by choosing to study psychology (at the University of Wisconsin) rather than law in New York, and by choosing to marry his cousin Bertha Goodman.

26、Those businessmen that displeased China, such as Jardine's bosses (see article), or Jimmy Lai, who was hounded out of his successful clothing chain, Giordano, suffered the short-term consequences.

27、The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.

28、He was preparing to go on, but Chueh-min joggled his elbow, signalling him to be quiet. Chueh-hui, also noting the displeased expressions on the faces of some of his elders, lapsed into silence. He pushed back his chair and got up.

29、Stephen Dedalus, displeased and sleepy, leaned his arms on the top of the staircase and looked coldly at the shaking gurgling face that blessed him, equine in its length, and at the light untonsured hair, grained and hued like pale oak.