1、to propagate; to uphold

2、1.to propagate; to breed; 2.wanton

3、Does the honeybee deliberate on how to propagate flowers?

4、to publicize; to make widely known; to propagate; to advocate; to preach (a religion or teaching)

5、This allows exceptions which arise from communications or runtime difficulties to propagate back to the caller.

6、Current best practice is to propagate the incoming identity principal to the downstream service.

7、The harder solution is to use lower-level APIs to propagate a distributed transaction by hand.

8、Use rsync or a similar tool to propagate your environment from one machine to another.

9、A practitioner may choose to propagate every day to synchronize with the work of other practitioners.

10、Stop and start the deployment manager to propagate the change across all nodes.

11、The following example shows how to propagate all the header blocks from an existing SOAP tree.

12、In this example, you see that the "Create table" statement failed to propagate on target servers.

13、Citizens enjoy freedom to believe in religion and freedom not to believe in religion and to propagate atheism.

14、The term propagation-delay refers to the average time it takes the input signal to propagate to the output.

15、It is very simple to use and requires minimal coding to propagate custom security information between servers.

16、This in turn enabled us to propagate the security context to the example application running on AppServerRemoteNode.

17、Using HTTP Basic authentication also allows the credential to propagate from HTTP client to HTTP endpoint (Application Server).

18、No need to propagate data from the master KDC to the slave KDC when configuring the slave KDC.

19、Some of it is absorbed by receptors on the adjacent neuron and continues to propagate the electrical signal.

20、Alternatively, you may want to propagate selected headers; in the following example the header block is ns1: header1.

21、Chinese Americans writers have tried a lot to protect Chinese Americans'images, to counterattack the western hegemonic discourse, to emphasize and to propagate Chinese cultural classics.

22、This code enables any UI selection changes in the TableViewer to propagate to the page and finally to the interested consumer views.

23、It also creates the needed listener to listen to the input data model and to propagate changes from it to the UI field.

24、After some delay to allow the DNS changes to propagate (2 to 4 hours is what we experienced), you can start testing things.

25、I use Eclipse refactoring features (such as the ability to propagate a package change) to rename some of those classes. (See Figure 1.)

26、The party newspaper most important task is to propagate and implement the party's policy and to reflect the party's work and the populace life.

27、We're going to propagate the identity provided in the inbound LTPA token to the provider gateway in a new SAML token.

28、Those who could not repress appropriately were repelled from the tribe or city, and did not fare well enough to propagate their genes.

29、Podulski had been assiduous in learning his adopted language.

30、Publication points are used not only for applications to add and remove messages on topics, but also to propagate messages from one messaging engine to the others in the bus.