1、philosophical theory of"Three Represents";

2、a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful.

3、a philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols.

4、Both Chinese art and TCM theory originated from the philosophical theory of Taoist in ancient times.

5、One of the main contributions was to establish the philosophical theory of empiricism and rationalism.

6、the philosophical theory that the self is all that you know to exist.

7、Skepticism is a unique philosophical theory with a long history. Skeptical thinking is a unique creative thinking of great value.

8、The top ideal of modern creative writing would be the unification of the insight philosophical theory and operated practice.

9、Wittgenstein's argument against private language is not only the critique to traditional mental problems and the theory of meaning, but also has deepened his later philosophical theory.

10、Legally, philosophical theory methods west of observation, justice, equality, rights, security value is for the implementation of the relief system and provide essential support in the theory.

11、The Chapmans weave a vast range of associations into their work, using material from all areas of the cultural landscape including philosophical theory, art history and consumer culture.

12、the philosophical theory that formal (logical or mathematical) statements have no meaning but that its symbols (regarded as physical entities) exhibit a form that has useful applications.

13、So far, there has never been any fundamental changes on the development of human philosophical theory at the level of the highest paradigm.