1、Should be pencil sketch next.

2、This pencil sketch is wonderful.

3、She was inking in a pencil sketch.

4、So then I made a pencil sketch of a muzzle.

5、I always start with a pencil sketch that is scanned into my computer before starting.

6、The teacher should pay attention to the teaching aims in pencil sketch teaching.

7、My mother made a pencil sketch of my brother reading a book.

8、Drew sketches and head portraits of pencil sketch in stations and waiting rooms for the boats in the spare time.

9、One image is a scratchy pencil sketch of a devious Cupid sending an arrow through a kissing couple's heads, the woman's eyes bulging from her tongue-locked face.

10、As my first official artwork using Painter to retrace, and I was quite pleased with the result, but my brother thinks my pencil sketch looked better.

11、On one occasion a letter whose only address was a pencil sketch of Einstein's face was quickly delivered to him by the post office.