1、Take, for example, Tony the Tow Truck.

2、Who will help Tony the Tow Truck?

3、All right. Then we have Tony the Tow Truck.

4、So it is the case after all that there are women in Tony the Tow Truck.

5、Now we have uncovered something about the form, the structure, of Tony the Tow Truck in saying this, but we haven't discovered or uncovered a thing about the meaning of Tony the Tow Truck.

6、The humanization of a mechanized world, through our identification with it, is what takes place in Tony the Tow Truck.

7、So then we can also think of Tony the Tow Truck, of course, in terms of gender.

8、I would suggest that in the context of Beyond the Pleasure Principle we could re-title Tony the Tow Truck as The Bumpy Road to Maturity.

9、The word "yellow" in the second line of Tony the Tow Truck, its denotation is that it is a certain color, the color that Tony's garage is painted.

10、So then here is the question, and it really does provide us with our transition to today's materials: what have I been doing all this time with Tony the Tow Truck?