1、acid-citrate-dextrose solution

2、sodium chloride and dextrose injection

3、chalk blood yeast dextrose litmus milk

4、Eat vitriolic and amino dextrose to you can drink?

5、Method for determination of reducing power and dextrose equivalent of starch hydrolysis products

6、The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously.

7、It is also unknown whether all the moisture present in the kn and the dextrose monohydrate can be eradicated.

8、E. Intravenous fluids. IV fluid during labor is usually Ringer's lactate or 0.45% normal saline with 5% dextrose.

9、Conc lusions: Puerarin dextrose injection can efficiently improve microcirculati on and be of benefit to the patients with angina pectoris.

10、RESULTS: The level of nimodipine decreased evidently. CONCLUSION: Nimodipine can not be infused with injectio dextrose or injectio sodium chloride.

11、"She was treated with administration of dextrose, dextran, lidocaine, rigitine, strophanthin K injection Salvia miltiorrhizae composita, injecton ophipogon Japonicus composita, injection ophipogon Japonicus composita, furesimid, atrephose(ATP)"

12、Conclusion: Alcohol attack at the beginning but disperse later, sweet dried FIG, fragrance of dried flower, and dextrose my childhood impression.

13、Cellulose is the most abundant organic renewable resource in nature, can be hydrolyzed to dextrose, an important source of food, fuel and chemicals.

14、Mix the L-cystine, sodium chloride, dextrose, yeast extract, and pancreatic digest of casein with the purified water, and heat until solution is effected.

15、The comcentrator is suitable to comcentrate the China traditional drug、 west drug、 dextrose、 amylum、 monosodium glutamate、 food and milk product and chemical material, espe-cially suitable to concentrate the thermal sensitive matenrial under low temperature and vancuum.

16、OBJECTIVE: to determine the variation of the level of nimodipine in injectio dextrose or injectio sodium chloride under different conditions and to define whether they can be mixed to infuse.

17、There’s a good reason dairy-free yogurt has a combination of cornstarch, rice starch, tapioca dextrose, guar gum, or xanthan gum added to it as a thickener, and now I’ve experienced it first-hand.

18、Various products can be obtained such as corn starch, corn oil, dextrins, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, corn oil meal, dextrose and corn gluten can be developed after wet milling.

19、elaeagni as a potential biocontrol agent of Elaeagnus umbellate rust. When T. elaeagni was cultured on Potato dextrose agar medium at 25℃, white colony appeared after 4~5 days, the hypha had septa and branches and constriction at the site of branches.